The Mac OS X Lion Finder helps you access and organize most of the important Mac OS X functions while you work. Use Finder keyboard shortcuts to display windows, copy and move files, and launch applications. These keyboard shortcuts help you get things done more efficiently. Find the Startup Key Combination Here. This article will list out MAC OS X Keyboard Shortcuts.


Key Function
Command+A Selects all items in the active window (icon view), all items in the column (column view), or all items in the list (cover flow view)
Command+C Copies selected items
Command+D Duplicates the selected item(s)
Command+E Ejects the selected volume
Command+F Displays the Find dialog
Command+H Hides All Finder windows
Command+I Shows info for selected item or items
Command+J Shows the view options for the active window
Command+K Displays the Connect to Server dialog
Command+L Creates an alias for the selected item
Command+M Minimizes the active window
Command+N Opens a new Finder window
Command+O Opens (or launches) the selected item
Command+R Shows the original for selected alias
Command+T Adds the selected item to the Sidebar
Command+V Pastes items from the Clipboard
Command+W Closes the active window
Command+X Cuts the selected items
Command+Z Undoes the last action (if possible)
Command+, Displays Finder Preferences
Command+1 Shows the active window in icon mode
Command+2 Shows the active window in list mode
Command+3 Shows the active window in column mode
Command+4 Shows the active window in cover flow mode
Command+[ Moves back to the previous Finder location
Command+] Moves forward to the next Finder location
Command+Del Moves selected items to the Trash
Command+up-arrow Show enclosing folder
Command+` Cycles through windows
Command+? Displays the Mac OS X Help Viewer
Command+Shift+A Takes you to your Applications folder
Command+Shift+C Takes you to the top-level Computer location
Command+Shift+G Takes you to a folder that you specify
Command+Shift+H Takes you to your Home folder
Command+Shift+I Connects you to your iDisk
Command+Shift+Q Logs you out
Command+Shift+N Creates a new untitled folder in the active window
Command+Shift+U Takes you to your Utilities folder
Command+Shift+Del Deletes the contents of the Trash
Command+Option+H Hides all windows except the Finder’s window(s)
Command+Option+N Creates a new Smart Folder
Command+Option+T Hides the Finder window toolbar
Command+Option+Space Opens the Spotlight window
Command+Space Opens the Spotlight menu
F8 Choose another desktop using Spaces
Control+up-arrow (or F3, depending on your keyboard model) Displays the Mission Control screen
Control+down-arrow (or Control+F3, depending on your keyboard model) Shows all open windows for the current application using Mission Control
F11 (or Command+F3, depending on your keyboard model) Hides all windows to display the Desktop using Mission Control
F12 (or F4, depending on your keyboard model) Displays your Dashboard widgets
Space Quick Look


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