Open Taskmanager in Windows 11

Number of ways to Open Task Manager in Windows 11

Recently Many users reported that Task Manager is missing from the Taskbar right-click context menu on Windows 11. In this article Let’s see how to open Task Manager in Windows 11. Windows 11 Task Manager is not present in the Taskbar right-click context menu.

Task Manager is a windows operating system component, which is included in all the versions of Microsoft Windows since Windows NT 4.0 to Windows 11 latest version. Microsoft Makes Task manager most advance and powerful in windows 11. Using Task Manager, we can monitor the applications, processes, users, and services running on your computer. Windows 10 Task manager provides more information on processes, you can easily find which application utilizing CPU, Memory, Disk, and Network Usage. Under the Performance tab, you can find the Graphical view of CPU, Memory, Disk, Ethernet, and GPU Utilization. Under App History you can find the usage history of any application. From Startup Tab, you can enable or disable the startup application. Users Tab shows how many users currently log in to the system, under the services tab you can find the details of the service. Overall Task Manager is a very useful tool to monitor the entire computer. Also using task manager, we can easily open any OS components. Task Manager allows you to literally monitor any apps and Programs in the Windows Operating system.

Related: How to Enable DNS over HTTPS feature in Windows 11?

Open Task Manager in Windows 11:

In Windows 10, to open Task Manager we’ll use Taskbar right-click context menu, Right-clicking on the Taskbar will give you the Context menu, from there you can easily open the Task Manager. But this option is not given in Windows 11 Operating system. There are Number of ways to Open Task Manager in Windows 11, let’s see one by one.

Using Start Menu:

If you are looking for a way to open Task Manager in Windows 11, Then Just Right-Click on the Windows Start menu and now you’ll get a context menu.

Open Task Manager in Windows 11

Choose Task Manager from the Context menu, that’s it Task Manager will appear immediately.

Open Task Manager using Run Command:

Open Run command by pressing Windows + R and type taskmgr and hit enter. This command will open Task Manager immediately.

Use the same command in the Command prompt to open task manager.

Pin Task Manager to the Taskbar in Windows 11:

Open Windows Search by pressing the search icon on the Taskbar and search for Task Manager in the Search box.

Now right click on the Task Manager and choose Pin to Taskbar.

pin taskbar

The Task Manager will be pinned to the Taskbar now. Just click on the Task Manager to open it anytime.

Using Keyboard Shortcut:

Open Task Manager by pressing (CTRL + SHIFT + ESC) keyboard Shortcut, this keyboard shortcut will immediately open the Task Manager.

Create Shortcut for Task Manager in Windows 11:

To create a Task Manager Shortcut, right-click on your desktop, and choose New item > Shortcut.


Now you’ll get Create Shortcut window, click on the browse button, and navigate to the following path.


Open Task Manager in Windows 11

Choose the Taskmgr and click on OK.

Then click on Next and give a name to the Shortcut and click on Finish.

That’s it Task Manager shortcut will be successfully added as a Desktop Shortcut. Using this shortcut, you can easily access Task Manager.

Read Also: How to enable Task Manager option in Taskbar context menu on Windows 11?

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